Who wouldn’t love this place of sanctuary?
A centre of excellence providing complimentary therapies and the promotion of wellbeing.
I had the absolute pleasure of spending time with Katherine Rouse of St Giles Supportive Centre, (Lindridge Road, Sutton Coldfield B75 6JB) and learning about the amazing services and therapies they offer.
Such beautiful grounds and gorgeous locatoin.
Katherine is one of a team of qualified nurses (in normal clothes – not uniform) offering support to women and their loved ones in their long-term recovery of cancer, both emotionally and physically. It’s easy to immediately think of end-of-life care (as I previously did) with anything associated with the word ‘hospice’. People from the Midlands all know St Giles Hospice and the wonderful care they provide in Whittington Nr Lichfield. But how many people know about the amazing St Giles Support Centre in Sutton Coldfield? Their focus is on RECOVERY and the future.
I was bowled over by not only the beauty of the place, not only by the services they offer but also by the aura of positivity that engulfed me at the centre.
Katherine and the team can help women with all sorts of issues “there isn’t a problem we don’t understand” she said. From body image, to sexuality, to self-identity …. and a list longer than I can write here.
I am so pleased to work in some small way with St Giles Support Centre and was delighted that the ethos of Ranfire Design headwear was shared by the team.
“What is your catchment area?” I asked Katherine…the response surprised me. “Whilst I see mainly people from the Midlands, if they can get here, they can come. I will also talk to anyone on the phone who needs us”. So there you have it – a support service par excellence at the end of the phone or via the internet.
You can self-refer by calling
0300 330 1297 or 0300 012 0245
You can email at ensc@stgileshospice.com
You can look up www.stgileshospice.com/specialist-womens-cancer-support-service