Goodbye 2020! You’ve been…well…different🤔.
Many would prefer to erase your memory all together, but I would prefer to remember your positives – and yes there were some, buried in the maelstrom of despair, devastation and quite frankly desolation that you bestowed upon us.
Perhaps it takes the worst to bring out the best and there was plenty of that, albeit transient in some circumstances. It felt right to feel and be compassionate, kind and caring. Values at the core of my being. It was OK to speak to strangers and wish them well. We regained our community spirit and came together in unity against a common foe.
In a world of self, self, self, we witnessed sacrifice, dedication and actions above and beyond the call of duty – WOW!
Now 2021 brings new hope and permission to feel cautiously optimistic. Time to press reset and think about the future, because whatever that may look like, tomorrow is a gift determined by our actions today.
Some of us make New Year Resolutions, (mostly unrealistic, lasting till February if we’re lucky!) many would prefer to aim for a goal, which needs a plan, which needs bite sized chunks. So, thanks to an Instagram friend (thank you @relightalopecia), I was prompted to think about my daily approach. I was drawn to one of the most inspirational women I have had the pleasure to know and love – my Nan. My family will immediately recognise her from this description:
A woman who wouldn’t dream of even opening her front door without having ‘made an effort’. She taught me that if I didn’t have pride and belief in myself, then no one else will either. So, as long as I am blessed with enough good mental and physical health, I will be bothered to get up, show up and be my best self…watch out 2021, I’m coming to get you!
Wishing you love, hope and a fabulous brand new year...go on, be your best self!